The precursor "Friday Night In San Francisco", recorded at the Warfield
Theatre in San Francisco on December 5, 1980 (and originally released in
1981), is considered one of the most successful acoustic guitar albums
ever. An iconic album treasured for capturing three legendary and
diverse guitar virtuosos – Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucia
(1947-2014) – at the height of their unparalleled mastery highlighted by
a superbly nuanced and stunningly realistic recording.
The reason why the original concert is such a milestone and went beyond
the niche audience, becoming a mass product, is the unique mix of jazz,
fusion, flamenco, and Mediterranean music.
For 40 years, nobody knew that the recording of the Saturday show
existed… until now! Combing through hours of the original 16-track live
session tapes, Al Di Meola and his team have curated a breathtaking
follow-up: Saturday Night In San Francisco.
1. Bill Graham Introduction
2. Splendido Sundance
3. One Word
4. Trilogy Suite
5. Monasterio De Sal
6. El Panuelo
7. Meeting of the Spirits
8. Orpheo Negro
Meola Al Di "Al Di Meola/ John McLaughlin & Paco De Lucia "Saturday Night In San Francisco" Live
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